Free Throw-a-Thon 2021
Make your online donation here for the 2021 Freethrow-a-thon
1. Participants will voluntarily gather sponsors who will pledge support either in shots made or a capped amount. Participants will use the pledge form provided or downloaded.
2. In a supervised environment, participants will attempt 100 Free Throws. The total amount of successful free throws will be factored into the sponsor’s pledge.
3. Pledges will be collected or donated online.
4. Prizes will be provided for a variety of fun categories.
How it Works
The girls basketball program will host the second Free Throw-a-Thon in January 2021 in the Cumberland Valley Dome and other CV gymnasiums.
The purpose of this event is to raise money for any equipment, meals, or clothing the team may need throughout the season. The Free Throw-a-Thon is open to all members of the CV Girls Basketball teams, including Middle School through Varsity Programs. Others who wish to help raise money can choose to sponsor players.
The coronavirus pandemic has made fundraising difficult this year, the Free Throw-a-Thon is an opportunity to make sure the team still has the resources available to have a great season!
Contact your respective Basketball coach for details.